founded in 1940, is a public corporation listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) under the ticker ETER3. Since 2006, it has traded on the Novo Mercado, a special listing segment composed of corporations that voluntarily commit to adopting corporate governance practices above those required by Brazilian law.
Its shareholder base is formed by individuals, legal entities, investment clubs, investment funds and foundations.
Eternit is Brazil’s market leader in fiber-cement roofing panels and also manufactures and markets products made from concrete roofing tiles and solar roofing tiles, as well as other construction materials and related accessories.
With headquarters in São Paulo city, Eternit has over 1,800 employees and nine industrial complexes, a mining company that produces chrysotile fiber and a photovoltaic tile demonstration unit. The Company’s production units are distributed across all regions of Brazil and are located in the cities of Colombo in Paraná, Atibaia and Hortolândia in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia and Minaçu in Goiás, Simões Filho in Bahia and Manaus in Amazonas.