The company’s dividend policy is determined by Article 30 of the company bylaws:
Together with the financial statements for the fiscal year, pursuant to the applicable legal provisions and the requirements of these Bylaws, the Company’s management bodies shall present a proposal for allocating the net income for the fiscal year, taking into account the following order of deductions:
(i) 5% (five per cent) of the net income for the fiscal year shall be allocated, prior to any other allocation, to the constitution of the Legal Reserve, which shall not exceed 20% (twenty percent) of the capital stock of the Company;
(ii) an amount may, as per proposal of the Board of Directors, be allocated to Reserves for Contingencies pursuant to Article 195 of Law 6.404/76;
(iii) 5% (five per cent) shall be allocated to the formation of a Statutory Reserve for the Maintenance of Working Capital pursuant to Article 32 of these Bylaws;
(iv) an amount of the net income for the fiscal year, as per proposal of the Board of Directors, may be retained based on the preliminary approved capital expenditures budget pursuant to Article 196 of Law 6.404/76 contingent on compliance with the legal requirements and limits;
(v) these allocations having been made, the outstanding balance shall be allocated to the payment of the mandatory minimum dividend pursuant to the provision in Article 32 of these Bylaws;
(vi) After these allocations, should there still be a remaining balance, this shall be fully allocated to the payment of dividends to the shareholders.
Sole paragraph. The payment of dividends approved in the General Meeting, and the distribution of shares arising from an increase in capital, shall be effected within 60 (sixty) days as from the publication of the respective minutes.”
In the last few years, Eternit has distributed dividends on a quarterly basis, being defined by the Company Board of Directors. You can consult the company’s dividends history by clicking here